I have been only programming in assembly for 2 weeks now so I am kind of new to assembly and I need some help.
I need to watch a directory and all sub directories for changes. The only changes I need to be notified of are file creation and when a file is edited, but if you include others that is fine.
I need to be notified of the file who made the changes to a message box. I do not need to know what change the file made, I just need the file path to a message box. I tried to search the web but cant find anything for how to do this in assembly particular masm.
The only stuff I could find was this code that I think was written for masm and I tried it but it message boxes A or other letters and that is it and it blocks me from changing the name of any file in that directory, and i do not want it to do that.
FolderPath3 db "C:\users",0
.data ?
hFile dd ?
FileBuffer DB 200 DUP(?)
ThreadProc PROC uses edi esi Param:DWORD
LOCAL lpBytesReturned:dword
invoke CreateFile,addr FolderPath3,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_DELETE or FILE_SHARE_READ,0,\
mov hFile,eax
invoke ReadDirectoryChangesW,hFile,addr FileBuffer,sizeof FileBuffer,TRUE,FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS,\
addr lpBytesReturned,0,0
.if eax==0
invoke MessageBoxA,0,0,0,MB_OK
xor ecx,ecx
add edi,ecx
lea edi,FileBuffer
mov esi,[edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.Action
invoke MessageBoxA, NULL, addr [edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.FileName, offset BoxCaption, NULL
.elseif esi==0
invoke CloseHandle,hDir
mov ecx,[edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.NextEntryOffset
.if ecx==0
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr FileBuffer,sizeof FileBuffer
jmp ThreadProc
jmp @B
ThreadProc ENDP
if anyone can fix the above code or show me different code that works it would be great, thank you