time: .float 310.4, 390.8
miles: .float 12.0, 96.2
li $t0, 3 #terminating value
li $t1, 4 #byte shifting
li $t2, 1 #i increments by 1
la $a1, time # put address of time into $a1
la $a2, miles # put address of miles into $a2
l.s $f1, ($a1)
l.s $f2, ($a2)
mul.s $f3, $f1, $f2
li $v0, 2
l.s $f12, __ <------- here????
how do I print f3? This is starting to get frustrating. I can print $a1 or $a2 and shift it, but I need to multiply some numbers and print them.... thanks!