我在 Excel (Table1) 中有一个表格,其中包含以下列标题:员工姓名、州许可和许可状态。该表的示例是:

John Adams  NY  Active
John Adams  PA  Active
John Adams  NJ  Inactive
Ralph Ames  MS  Active
Ed Turner   MS  Pending


Name        Active   Pending   Inactive
John Adams  NY, PA             NJ
Ralph Ames  MS
Ed Turner            MS


Function comma_state_list(the_name As String, the_status As String) As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim oLo As ListObject
    Dim oCol As ListColumns

    Set ws = Worksheets("State Licenses")
    Set oLo = ws.ListObjects("Table1")
    Set oCol = oLo.ListColumns

    For i = 1 To oLo.ListRows.Count
        If oLo.Range(i, 1).Value = the_name And oLo.Range(i, 3) = the_status Then
            comma_state_list = comma_state_list & oLo.Range(i, 4) & ", "
        End If
    Next i

    If Len(comma_state_list) = 0 Then
        comma_state_list = ""
        comma_state_list = Left(comma_state_list, Len(comma_state_list) - 2)
    End If
End Function

有没有办法可以使用 VBA 对表运行类似 SQL 的查询,所以我只是循环遍历 SQL 结果而不是每次都遍历整个表?我在想这也有助于按字母顺序排列摘要列表。或者也许还有其他更好的方法我没有想到。


1 回答 1








Option Explicit
Sub Test()

Dim wsCurr As Worksheet: Set wsCurr = ActiveSheet
Dim wsNew As Worksheet 'output container'
Dim rowNum As Long 'row number for output'

'Scripting dictionaries:'
Dim inactiveDict As Object
Dim activeDict As Object
Dim key As Variant

'Table variables'
Dim rng As Range 'table of data'
Dim r As Long 'row iterator for the table range.'

'information about each employee/row'
Dim empName As String
Dim state As String
Dim status As String

'Create our dictionaries:'
Set activeDict = Nothing
Set inactiveDict = Nothing
Set activeDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set inactiveDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set rng = Range("A1:C6") 'better to set this dynamically, this is just an example'

For r = 2 To rng.Rows.Count
    empName = rng(r, 1).Value
    state = rng(r, 2).Value
    status = rng(r, 3).Value

    Select Case UCase(status)
        Case "ACTIVE"
            AddItemToDict activeDict, empName, state

        Case "INACTIVE"

            AddItemToDict inactiveDict, empName, state

    End Select

'Add a new worksheet with summary data'

Set wsNew = Sheets.Add(After:=wsCurr)
With wsNew
    .Cells(1, 1).Value = "Name"
    .Cells(1, 2).Value = "Active"
    .Cells(1, 3).Value = "Inactive"

    rowNum = 2

    'Create the initial table with Active licenses'
    For Each key In activeDict
        .Cells(rowNum, 1).Value = key
        .Cells(rowNum, 2).Value = activeDict(key)
        rowNum = rowNum + 1

    'Now, go over this list with inactive licenses'
    For Each key In inactiveDict
        If activeDict.Exists(key) Then
            rowNum = Application.Match(key, .Range("A:A"), False)
            rowNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wsNew.Range("A:A")) + 1
            .Cells(rowNum, 1).Value = key
        End If

        .Cells(rowNum, 3).Value = inactiveDict(key)
End With

Set activeDict = Nothing
Set inactiveDict = Nothing

End Sub

Sub AddItemToDict(dict As Object, empName As String, state As String)
'since we will use the same methods on both dictionary objects, '
' it would be best to subroutine this action:'
Dim key As Variant

'check to see if this employee already exists'
If UBound(dict.Keys) = -1 Then
    dict.Add empName, state
    If Not dict.Exists(empName) Then
    'If IsError(Application.Match(empName, dictKeys, False)) Then
        'employee doesn't exist, so add to the dict'
        dict.Add empName, state
        'employee does exist, so update the list:'
        'concatenate the state list'
        state = dict(empName) & ", " & state
        'remove the dictionary entry'
        dict.Remove empName
        'add the updated dictionary entry'
        dict.Add empName, state
    End If
End If

End Sub
于 2013-04-01T18:15:44.560 回答