我每秒都有 GPS 数据进入我的 PC 上的串行端口。我已经成功处理了 GPS 数据,并且纬度和经度作为浮点数存储在单独的数组中。
double[] dlat = new double[100000]; //contains the latitude data
double[] dlon = new double[100000]; //contains the longitude data
大多数时候,纬度和经度数字保持不变,因为 GPS 位置仅每 5 米变化一次。当数组中的纬度或经度值发生变化时,我希望我的程序根据变化之间存储的数据点的纬度或经度的平均值进行预测。例如:
我已经尝试解决这个问题,但我的方法不起作用:-/我是 C# 新手;必须有更好的方法来做到这一点。这是我尝试进行预测的代码片段(后面---GPS coordinate prediction---
string RxString;// where the raw serial data is stored
string mag;
double[] dmag = new double[100000];//magnetic data stored here
string lat;
double[] dlat = new double[100000];//latitude data stored here
string lon;
double[] dlon = new double[100000];//longitude data stored here
double average;//average step between change in latiude
int i; //pointer double array data;
int count;//counter for prediction code
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)//activates when port is open and data in buffer
RxString = serialPort1.ReadTo("\r\n");//read raw data from serial port into string
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayText));//invoke allows it to call function diplay text*/
lat = RxString.Split(',')[0].Substring(4);// extract latitude
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayText1));//invoke allows it to call function diplay text
dlat[i] = Convert.ToDouble(lat);//convert and store in double array
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(Form1_Load));//invoke allows it to call function
lon = RxString.Split(',')[2];// extract longitude
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayText2));//invoke allows it to call function diplay text
dlon[i] = Convert.ToDouble(lon);//covert and store in double array
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(Form1_Load));//invoke allows it to call function
mag = RxString.Split(',')[3].Substring(6).Trim();// extract magnetic data
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(DisplayText3));//invoke allows it to call function diplay text
dmag[i] = Convert.ToDouble(mag);//convert and store in double array
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(Form1_Load));//invoke allows it to call function
RxString = null;
/* -------------------------GPS coordinate prediction--------------------------------------------- */
if (i > 0)
if (dlat[i] == dlat[i - 1])
if (dlat[i] != dlat[i - 1])
double average = (dlat[i] - dlat[i - 1]) / (count);//average data step beween changed values
int firstAv = i - (count - 1);//position of first average
int lastAv = i - 1;//position of last average
for (int j = firstAv; j <= lastAv; i++)
dlat[j] = dlat[j - 1] + average;
count = 0;
if (i==0) count = 1;