我正在使用媒体录音机录制声音,但我想以女性音调播放声音,反之亦然。基本上我有一个媒体播放器的声音,当我播放它时,它运行良好,但现在我已经使用媒体录音机录制了我的声音,我想播放它是女声吗?如何将男声改为女声或将女声改为男声?我也尝试过使用 soundpool 类,但它会增加或减少频率。它不会改变语调或音调。


1 回答 1


You are changing the pitch when you change the frequency. However, just increasing or decreasing the playback frequency is unlikely to make a male voice sound female or vice versa. It'll just sound like a distorted version of the original voice.

A female voice is likely to contain more energy in the higher end of the speech frequency spectrum, and less in the lower end. The opposite would be the case for a male voice. What you're doing in effect is move all energy upwards or downwards in the spectrum, which will not sound natural.

The theory of human speech is much too broad a subject to cover at a Q&A site like StackOverflow. So my recommendation would be for you to get a book on the subject, or use a search engine to find some research papers or scientific articles.

于 2013-04-01T13:13:47.623 回答