I have a python script and a PHP page on my website. I have to create a csv file and write the data onto it in following manner-

PHP processes the GET requests and calls the python script by shell_exec, passing the GET variables into it, is JSON format. The script here looks like-

$var_a = $_GET['a'];
$var_b = $_GET['b'];
$var_c = $_GET['c'];
$post_data = array('item' => 'get-list',
    'var a' => "$var_a",
    'var b' => "$var_b",
    'var c' => "$var_c"
$json_data = json_encode($post_data);
$temp = shell_exec('python process_data.py "' . $json_data .'"');
echo $temp;

This script is quite straight forward, which does simply collects the GET variables and forms JSON object of it. Now this data is passed to process_data.py, which processes the data and saves the data into a csv file, the code for which is-

import sys, json, time, csv
json_data = json.dumps(sys.argv[1])
def scr(json_data):
    json_data = json_data
    count = 0
    json_list = json_data.split(',')
    for i in json_list:
        lati = json_list[0].strip('{')
        longi = json_list[1]
        datestmp = json_list[2]
        timestmp = json_list[3]
        out = open('file.csv', 'w')
        out.write('%s;' % lati.split(':')[1])
        out.write('%s;' % longi.split(':')[1])
        out.write('%s;' % datestmp.split(':')[1])
        out.write('%s;' % timestmp.split(':',1)[1])
        print 'Latitude: ',lati.split(':')[1],', Longitude: ',longi.split(':')[1],', Datestamp: ',datestmp.split(':')[1],', Time: ', timestmp.split(':',1)[1]
        print 'Wrong data received'


All the things are working well. The data is processed and saved. The PHP script also saves the current data into database. So PHP does two operations- 1. Saves the data into database 2. Pass the data to python script which saves the data into CSV file.

However, the GET data is coming at regular time-interval(say 1 or 2 seconds). So, the call to Python file gets regular for these intervals. It will have to open the CSV file every 1-2 seconds, write the data there. This will slow down the processing.

I want the CSV file to remain open till the data is coming, and close it when the GET request is not made for a long time. Is there any way to do so?


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