In a C program that doesn't use recursion, it should be possible in theory to work out the maximum/worst case stack size needed to call a given function, and anything that it calls. Are there any free, open source tools that can do this, either from the source code or compiled ELF files?

Alternatively, is there a way to extract a function's stack frame size from an ELF file, so I can try to work it out manually?

I'm compiling for the MSP430 using MSPGCC 3.2.3 (I know it's an old version, but I have to use it in this case). The stack space to allocate is set in the source code, and should be as small as possible so that the rest of memory can be used for other things. I have read that you need to take account of the stack space used by interrupts, but the system I'm using already takes account of this - I'm trying to work out how much extra space to add on top of that. Also, I've read that function pointers make this difficult. In the few places where function pointers are used here, I know which functions they can call, so could take account of these cases manually if the stack space needed for the called functions and the calling functions was known.

Static analysis seems like a more robust option than stack painting at runtime, but working it out at runtime is an option if there's no good way to do it statically.


I found GCC's -fstack-usage flag, which saves the frame size for each function as it is compiled. Unfortunately, MSPGCC doesn't support it. But it could be useful for anyone who is trying to do something similar on a different platform.


5 回答 5



您可以检查链接描述文件以获取 __STACK_END 和 __STACK_SIZE 的位置。您可以使用它们以易于识别的模式(如 0xDEAD 或 0xAA55)填充堆栈空间。通过酷刑测试运行您的代码,以尝试确保生成尽可能多的中断。


于 2013-07-09T03:04:45.010 回答


于 2013-04-01T13:46:38.587 回答

一些嵌入式 IDE 可以在运行时提供有关堆栈使用情况的信息我知道 IAR 嵌入式工作台支持它。

请注意,您需要考虑到中断是异步发生的,因此请采用最大的堆栈使用场景并为其添加中断上下文。如果像 ARM 处理器一样支持嵌套中断,您也需要考虑到这一点。

于 2013-04-01T18:51:28.090 回答

TinyOS 在堆栈大小分析方面做了一些工作。它在这里描述:http: //tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos-wiki/index.php/Stack_Analysis


于 2013-09-03T20:42:37.573 回答




于 2013-04-01T10:43:07.023 回答