我有两个标签。使用向导组件,当我按下“下一步”按钮(从第一个选项卡)时,我需要填充一个列表(使用 SelectItem 对象),然后在第二个选项卡的 SelectOneMenu 标记中显示这些 SelectItems。我很快就在第一个选项卡上完成了输入数据,然后按“下一步”按钮,这个 SelectOneMenu 标记(在第二个选项卡上)没有任何内容。
<p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" showNavBar="true" flowListener="#{detentionForm.onFlowProcess}">
<p:tab id="typeOfLeader" title="Leader Selection">
<p:panel header="Leader Selection">
<p:messages showSummary="true" showDetail="false"/>
<p:panelGrid columns="2">
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{detentionForm.typeOfLeaderSelectedID}" style="width:400px" panelStyle="width:150px" effect="fade">
<f:selectItems value="#{detentionForm.teacherTypes}" var="type" itemLabel="#{type.label}" itemValue="#{type.value}" />
<p:tab id="typeOfPunishment" title="Punishment Type">
<p:panel header="Type of Punishment">
<p:panelGrid columns="2">
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{detentionForm.typeOfPunishment}" style="width:400px" panelStyle="width:150px" effect="fade" >
<f:selectItems value="#{detentionForm.detentionTypes}" var="type" itemLabel="#{type.label}" itemValue="#{type.value}" />
public class DetentionFormBean implements Serializable{
private DataSource ds;
private Details details = (Details) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("userDetails");
private String typeOfPunishment;
private String typeOfLeader = details.getTypeOfLeader(); //Can change if user is House Leader. Eg. They can become a teacher when making a punishment
private int typeOfLeaderID; //ID in the database of the teacher's type of leadership
private int typeOfLeaderSelectedID = 1; //Set default to teacher as House leader can be teacher and normal teacher will be a teacher!
private ArrayList<SelectItem> detentionTypes = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); //SelectItem objects that shows what punishments each teacher can do
private ArrayList<SelectItem> teacherTypes = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); //SelectItem objects that shows what type of leadership a teacher can be (Teacher or House Leader)
//gets all the data necessary from the database to show on the page
public void initialize(){
this.setTypeOfLeaderID(details.getUserName()); //gets the ID from the database to find out the default type of leadership
public String onFlowProcess(FlowEvent event) { //change later for backing as well >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
String stepToGo = event.getNewStep();
return stepToGo;
//populates teacherType Arraylist depending the user's teacher type. House Leader can be a Teacher or a House Leader.
private void findTeacherTypes(String type) {
if(type.equals("House Leadership Team")){
this.teacherTypes.add(new SelectItem(Integer.toString(this.typeOfLeaderID), type)); //House leader is 2
this.teacherTypes.add(new SelectItem(Integer.toString(this.typeOfLeaderID - 1), "Teacher" )); //Teacher is 1
}else{ //type is Teacher
this.teacherTypes.add(new SelectItem(Integer.toString(this.typeOfLeaderID), type)); //Teacher is 1
//populates detentiontypes depending on type of leader
private void findDetentionTypes() {
System.out.println(">>>>Inside findDetentionTypes()!!!");
PreparedStatement ps;
Connection con;
String sqlInitialData = "SELECT r.punishment_type, p.type FROM detentioncentredb.tbl_teacher_roles_allowed_punishments r, detentioncentredb.tbl_punishment_types p WHERE r.teacher_roles = ? AND p.ID = r.punishment_type";
ResultSet rs;
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlInitialData);
ps.setString(1, Integer.toString(this.typeOfLeaderSelectedID));
rs = ps.executeQuery();
SelectItem s = new SelectItem(rs.getString("punishment_type"), rs.getString("type"));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DetentionFormBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//getter and setter methods
public String getTypeOfPunishment() {
return typeOfPunishment;
public void setTypeOfPunishment(String typeOfPunishment) {
this.typeOfPunishment = typeOfPunishment;
public String getTypeOfLeader() {
return typeOfLeader;
public ArrayList<SelectItem> getDetentionTypes() {
return detentionTypes;
public ArrayList<SelectItem> getTeacherTypes() {
return teacherTypes;
public int getTypeOfLeaderID() {
return typeOfLeaderID;
//gets the typeOfLeader the current user is from the database. This retrieves the ID of the teacher's type of leadership. NOT WHAT THE TEACHER SELECTED.
private void setTypeOfLeaderID(int userName){
PreparedStatement ps;
Connection con;
String sqlTypeOfLeaderID = "SELECT TypeOfLeader FROM detentioncentredb.tbl_teachers WHERE RegNumber = ?";
ResultSet rs;
try {
con = ds.getConnection();
ps = con.prepareStatement(sqlTypeOfLeaderID);
ps.setInt(1, userName);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
this.typeOfLeaderID = rs.getInt("TypeOfLeader");
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DetentionFormBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public int getTypeOfLeaderSelectedID() {
return typeOfLeaderSelectedID;
public void setTypeOfLeaderSelectedID(int typeOfLeaderSelectedID) {
this.typeOfLeaderSelectedID = typeOfLeaderSelectedID;