我已经在 Linux 64 位机器上安装了 Python 2.7.3。我也安装了 Oracle 11g 客户端(64 位)。我设置了 ORACLE_HOME、PATH、LD_LIBRARY_PATH,并为 Python 2.7 和 Oracle 11g 安装了 cx_oracle 5.1.2 版本。但是 cx_oracle 上的 ldd 命令找不到 libclntsh.so.11.1。

我尝试在 /usr/lib64 下创建指向 libclntsh.so.11.1 的符号链接,更新了 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ 下的 oracle.conf 文件。尝试了论坛上有关此问题的所有可能解决方案,但没有运气。请让我知道缺少什么。


1 回答 1


The issue with me was that I installed python, cx_oracle as root but Oracle client installation was done by "oracle" user. I got my own oracle installation and that fixed the issue.

Later I ran into PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF16 issues with Python and for that I had to install python with —enable-unicode=ucs4 option

于 2013-04-01T14:35:51.750 回答