我写的代码可能有点长,但是我想看看是否有错误,以便我可以将其提交到 dartbug.com 。如果没有错误,我想知道我做错了什么。

代码的想法是将点的位置与网格(分别为 Square 类和 Grid 类)同步。

Square.onPosChange 是一个发送前一个位置的 Stream。

当一个正方形被添加到网格(Grid.add)时,有一个对 onPosChange 的订阅,它所做的是改变正方形在网格中的位置;首先它将它从前一个位置删除(只是分配 null),然后将它分配给当前位置。



import 'dart:async';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';

void main() {
    Square s = new Square(3, 5);
    Grid g = new Grid(10,10);
    expect(g._cols[3].squares[5], s);//pass
    s.x = 6;
    expect(g._cols[6].squares[5], s);//pass
    expect(g._cols[3].squares[5], isNull);//fails


class Grid{
  List<GridCol> _cols;
  int w, h;
  Grid(this.w, this.h){
    _cols = new List<GridCol>.filled(w, new GridCol(h));
  add(Square square){
      //add square to grid
      _cols[square.x].squares[square.y] = square;
      //listen to onPosChanged event stream
      square.onPosChanged.listen((Point previousPos){
        //remove from previous position
        _cols[previousPos.x].squares[previousPos.y] = null;
        //if is not out of bounds, add in new position
           * Up until this point, (3,5) is null, as was set earlier.
           * (6,5) is also null since it was never set.
           * But after the following line, strangely,
           *  both (3,5) and (6,5) are set to the square.
          _cols[square.x].squares[square.y] = square;

          print("(3,5): ${_cols[3].squares[5]}");//(3,5): (6,5)
          print("(6,5): ${_cols[6].squares[5]}");//(6,5): (6,5)


  isOut(Point p) => 
      p.x < 0 || p.y < 0 || p.x >= w || p.y >= h;

class GridCol{
  List<Square> squares;
  GridCol(int h): squares = new List<Square>(h);

class Square extends Point{
  int get x => super.x;
      set x (value){
        var prev = super.x;
        super.x = value;
        _sc.add(p(prev, y));
  int get y => super.y;
      set y (value){
        var prev = super.y;
        super.y = value;

  StreamController<Point> _sc;
  Stream get onPosChanged => _sc.stream;
  Square(x, y)
    super.x = x;
    super.y = y;
    _sc = new StreamController<Point>.broadcast();

 class Point{
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0; 
    Point([this.x, this.y]);
    String toString() => '($x,$y)';

p(x, y) => new Point(x, y);

1 回答 1


这是一个很难追踪的问题,但这是你的解决方法,它与 Streams 无关。

Grid 的构造函数如下所示:

Grid(this.w, this.h){ 
  _cols = new List<GridCol>.filled(w, new GridCol(h));

您希望其中的每个元素都_colsnew GridCol(h);. 实际上,您得到的(以及代码实际所说的)是用相同的实例填充每个元素GridCol。稍微重写为:

Grid(this.w, this.h){
  var gridCol = new GridCol(h);  // create a single instance of a GridCol
  _cols = new List<GridCol>.filled(w, gridCol); // add that instance to every element

这意味着当你添加你的第一个方块时,每一个GridCol都是相同的,单个实例,你最终会得到一个看起来像这样的网格(其中-为 null 并且S是你的方块):


这发生在add函数的开头,在涉及任何流之前,就在注释之后://add square to grid


Grid(this.w, this.h){
  _cols = new List<GridCol>(w); // create the list
  // fill each element with a different GridCol
  for (int i = 0; i < _cols.length; i++) {
   _cols[i] = new GridCol(h); // insert a new GridCol for every element.
于 2013-04-01T09:30:45.870 回答