sub build_hash{
# takes 3 params: hashref, name, and value
return if not $_[2];
push(@{ $_[0]->{'names'} }, $_[1]);
push(@{ $_[0]->{'value'} }, $_[2]);
# return a reference to the hash (smaller than making copy)
return $_[0];
文章说调用这个子例程来构建 HoA比将值推送到子例程之外的数组散列上快 40% 。该子例程据说速度很快,因为它使用引用构建数据结构。
我想通过构建我自己的 HoA 来测试这个子程序。假设我想创建以下数组散列。
%HoA = (
'C1' => ['1', '3', '3', '3'],
'C2' => ['3','2'],
'C3' => ['1','3','3','4','5','5'],
'C4' => ['3','3','4'],
'C5' => ['1'],
我将如何实现 build_hash 来做到这一点?另外,我该如何调用这个子程序?
# let AoA be an array of arrays that contains the values I want to assign
# to each key in %HoA
my @AoA = (
['1', '3', '3', '3'],
my %HoA;
my $count = 1;
foreach my $ref (@AoA){
build_hash(\%HoA, $ref, "C$count");
sub build_hash {
# takes 3 params: hashref, arrayref, and key
return if not $_[2];
push(@{ $_[0]->{$_[1]} }, $_[2]);
# return reference to HoA_ref (smaller than making copy)
return $_[0];