
//This is a type definition that I use below to simplify variable declaration
typedef vector<int> islice;
typedef vector<islice> int2D;
// therefore int2D is of type  vector<vector<int> >

// This is the function prototype in the DFMS_process_spectra_Class.hh file
int DumpL2toFile(int2D&);

// This is the type declaration in the caller
int2D L2Data;

// This is the function call where error is indicated
int DumpL2toFile(L2Data);      (**line 90 - error indicated here**)

// this is the function body 
int DFMS_process_spectra_Class::DumpL2toFile(int2D& L2) {

    string file=sL3Path+L2Info.fileName;
    fstream os;
    os.open(file.c_str(), fstream::out);
    os << "Pixel   A-counts   B-counts" << endl;
    char tmp[80];
    for (int i=0; i<512; ++i) {
        sprintf(tmp,"%5d    %8d    %8d\n",L2[i][0],L2[i][1],L2[i][2]);
        os << string(tmp) << endl;


    return 1;


g++ -w -g -c src/DFMS_process_spectra_Class.cc -o obj/DFMS_process_spectra_Class.o
In member function 'int   DFMS_process_spectra_Class::processL2()':
 src/DFMS_process_spectra_Class.cc:90: error: 
                      cannot convert 'int2D' to 'int' in initialization


//这是我在 Mac OS X 10.8.3 上的编译器版本 i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2

顺便说一句,这与我在使用 g++ 4.3 的 Linux 机器上遇到的错误相同



2 回答 2

// This is the function call where error is indicated
int DumpL2toFile(L2Data);      (**line 90 - error indicated here**)

That's not a function call! Assuming that this line occurs inside a function body (which is not clear from your code), the function call would be:

DumpL2toFile(L2Data); // No int

OP, that's all you need to know. But if you are curious, the compiler is parsing your statement as if it were

int AnyOldIdentifier(L2Data);

which is a declaration of an int variable called AnyOldIdentifier, initialised to the value L2Data. And it can't initialise an int to L2Data, because L2Data is an int2D, not an int.

于 2013-03-31T22:02:27.323 回答


   // This is the function call where error is indicated
  int DumpL2toFile(L2Data);      (**line 90 - error indicated here**)

如果你打电话DumpL2toFile。您不再需要返回类型。这样,编译器将其视为函数声明,但是,L2Data它不是类型,而是 的对象int2D,这会触发编译错误

同时,编译错误说错误 insdeprocessL2()函数,而您没有发布这部分的代码。

于 2013-03-31T20:10:15.860 回答