我在 4 段的最后有一个链接。就像是:

Here is my text, and it's just an example of text to show
And I am wanting to wrap the last bit of text, which happens
to be a link, but I need the link to either stay on the line
that is the available width and not break to another line,
unless it can't fit left-aligned on that line like this

因此,在 HTML 中的实际代码如下:

<p>Here is my text, and it's just an example of text to show
And I am wanting to wrap the last bit of text, which happens
to be a link, but I need the link to either stay on the line
that is the available width and not break to another line,
unless it can't fit left-aligned on that line like this<br />
<a href="http://mylink.com">http://mylink.com</a></p>

我在<br />这里使用,但我不想使用<br />,因为屏幕会捕获实际显示的文本量,有时它可能看起来像这样:

Here is my text, and it's just an example of text to show And I am wanting to wrap
the last bit of text, which happens to be a link, but I need the link to either stay
on the line that is the available width and not break to another line, unless it can't 
fit left-aligned on that line like this

因此,在上述情况下,我需要它不使用<br />标签来分解它,而应该像这样呈现:

Here is my text, and it's just an example of text to show And I am wanting to wrap
the last bit of text, which happens to be a link, but I need the link to either stay
on the line that is the available width and not break to another line, unless it can't 
fit left-aligned on that line like this http://mylink.com

这可以通过 CSS 实现吗?也许一些text-align价值,或者为了在完全不使用<br />标签的情况下完成这一点而做的其他事情?但是,如果链接可以自然地放在行上,那么它不应该向下移动到下一行。相反,它应该保持在那条线上。



3 回答 3


一些浏览器将您 URL 中的斜杠解释为允许破坏您的单词的字符,而其他浏览器则不会。您需要做的就是调整链接的空白属性


a {
    white-space: pre;
于 2013-03-31T18:22:23.573 回答

根据需要使用此 html:

<p>Here is my text, and it's just an example of text to show
And I am wanting to wrap the last bit of text, which happens
to be a link, but I need the link to either stay on the line
that is the available width and not break to another line,
unless it can't fit left-aligned on that line like this
<a href="http://mylink.com">http://mylink.com</a></p>

但是将它添加到 CSS 中。

a {
    display: block;

但是,这将a在任何地方出现新行,因此您必须使用此 CSS 进行更多指定

p a {
    display: block;

这是 jsfiddle 示例http://jsfiddle.net/vzmtB/(不使用 using p a)和http://jsfiddle.net/vzmtB/1/(使用 using p a)。

于 2013-03-31T17:36:34.530 回答


nothing you need to do in css.
于 2013-03-31T17:55:34.987 回答