
编号 | 三重奏 | 日期 | 帐户 | 数量

112 | 33 |01-04-2013 | 销售 A\c | 300.00
113 | 33 |01-04-2013 | 客户 A\c | 300.00
114 | 34 |01-04-2013 | 销售 A\c |110.00
115 | 34 |01-04-2013 | 客户 1 A\c | 110.00
116 | 35 |01-04-2013 | 销售 A\c | 250.00
117 | 35 |01-04-2013 | 客户 2 A\c | 250.00

这里,TRID 是 MAX(TRID) + 1。这个概念适用于单用户环境,但在应用程序由多个用户同时使用的多用户环境中,一个或多个用户可以获得相同的 TRID。



2 回答 2



您需要将 proc 放在一起,但基本上是:

-- start transaction
-- lock table
-- select max(trid) + 1 and store in a variable
-- do your inserts
-- unlock table
-- end transaction
于 2013-03-31T13:32:38.630 回答

First of all, if TRID alone needs to be unique, then make it a key (alone, not in combination with some other field). This way, the DBMS will not let any duplicates enter the database, no matter what mistakes you make in the client code.

In the multi-user environment, you can use an auto-increment to safely generate unique values, provided you don't care for generated values being contiguous.

OTOH, if you can't afford "holes", then:

  • either lock the whole table before SELECT MAX(TRID) + 1,
  • or do the same SELECT without locking but be prepared to re-try if there is a key violation.

I'd recommend against the locking if you can help it, since it can have serious negative impact on scalability.

于 2013-04-01T14:36:28.563 回答