我是 mysql 的新手,所以希望能得到这方面的建议:

我有一个包含 3 列的表:id(key int)、frame(int) 和 valid(bool)。身份证是关键。当它们的有效标志在一定数量的帧后没有从假变为真(它死)时,我想删除所有 id(行)。如果帧在最大帧数(已知)内没有将其有效性从 false 更改为 true,则它不会在下一帧更新,因此会死亡。id 对所有帧都是全局唯一的,每帧有多个 id。

例如,说 id 1 从 frm 1 到 5 是有效的,从 6 到 8 是假的(然后死掉)。另一个 id 2 从 frm 1 到 6 有效,从 7 到 9 为假,然后从 10 到结束再次有效。我只想删除第 6 帧到第 8 帧之间的 id 1 的行而不触及 id 2。

到目前为止,我找到了所有标记为假的 ID 的最后一帧。alter view false_pt_last_frm as select id as tid, max(frame_number) as frm, valid as vld from ptTable where vld=1 group by tid;

然后我正在考虑将 ptTable 与视图 false_pt_last_frm 加入,以查找视图中在 frm+1 帧上有效的所有点,并从视图中找到该集合之外的 id 并将其删除。但我坚持这一点。



3 回答 3


好的,试试这个。它需要 MySQL 中的临时表。在其他 DBMS 中可能不是这样:

create table temp as (
    select a.id 
    from ptTable a 
    where a.frame = (
            select max(b.frame) 
            from ptTable b 
            where a.id = b.id) 
    and a.valid = false) ;

delete from ptTable where id in (select id from temp);
于 2013-04-01T03:12:53.483 回答


DELETE FROM <YOUR TABLE> WHERE FRAME = false AND id = <whatever ID you want to target>;



DELETE FROM <YOUR TABLE> WHERE FRAME = false AND id < (SELECT max(id) from <your table>);


DELETE FROM <YOUR TABLE> WHERE FRAME = false AND id = (SELECT max(id)-1 from <your table>);


于 2013-03-31T13:50:05.187 回答

因此,您要删除连续三个或更多帧的 valid = false 序列。第一个问题是确定一行中“假”值的数量。我们可以使用相关的子查询来做到这一点:

select t.*,
       ((select count(*) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.frame <= t2.frame and t2.valid = false) -- num falses before this frame, including this frame +
        (select count(*) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.frame > t2.frame and t2.valid = false) -- num falses after this frame
       ) as numFalsesInRow
from t
where t.valid = false



delete t
from t inner join
     (select t.*,
             ((select count(*) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.frame <= t2.frame and t2.valid = false) -- num falses before this frame, including this frame +
              (select count(*) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.frame > t2.frame and t2.valid = false) -- num falses after this frame
             ) as numFalsesInRow
      from t
      where t.valid = false
    ) t2
    on t.id = t2.id and t.frame = t2.frame and t2.numFalsesInRow = 3;


于 2013-03-31T14:15:07.907 回答