How can I output a value like 2.30? Currently the output I am getting is 2.3. Following is my code where a 24 hr time format will be converted into 12 hr format:

if($openHrs['open_hours'] == NULL){

} else {
    $openHrs = explode(",", $openHrs['open_hours']);

    $weekdays = array('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
    $res      = array();

    $todayWeekDay = date('D'); // get today's weekday

    $todayWeekNum = array_search($todayWeekDay, $weekdays); // get number for today's weekday

    foreach($openHrs as &$temp) {

        $temp = explode(" ", $temp);

        $temp[1] = $temp[1] > 12 ? $temp[1] - 12 . ' pm' : $temp[1] . ' am';
        $temp[2] = $temp[2] > 12 ? $temp[2] - 12 . ' pm' : $temp[2] . ' am';
        // only add the item where the weekday is equal to today's
        if ($temp[0] == $todayWeekNum) {
             $res[]   = $weekdays[$temp[0]] . ' ' . $temp[1] . ' - ' . $temp[2];

The issue is I am getting 2.3 instead 2.30 for hours 14.30 format. What am I missing here?


2 回答 2


The problem is PHP is treating your time as a floating point number!

You could cast it as a string, or try sprintf("%0.2f", $output_variable)

That should format it with two decimal places after the decimal point.

于 2013-03-31T03:18:18.587 回答

You can use number_format($your_number, 2, '.', ''); to display your number up to 2 decimal character.

于 2013-03-31T03:18:52.153 回答