I am trying to return a JSON file using ASP.NET Web API (for testing).

public string[] Get()
    string[] text = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\data.json");

    return text;

In Fiddler this does appear as a Json type but when I debug in Chrome and view the object it appears as and array of individual lines (left). The right image is what the object should look like when I am using it.

Can anyone tell me what I should return to achieve a Json result in the correct format?



3 回答 3


Does the file already has valid JSON in it? If so, instead of calling File.ReadAllLines you should call File.ReadAllText and get it as a single string. Then you need to parse it as JSON so that Web API can re-serialize it.

public object Get()
    string allText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"c:\data.json");

    object jsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(allText);
    return jsonObject;

This will:

  1. Read the file as a string
  2. Parse it as a JSON object into a CLR object
  3. Return it to Web API so that it can be formatted as JSON (or XML, or whatever)
于 2013-03-31T03:56:35.847 回答


public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    var stream = new FileStream(@"c:\data.json", FileMode.Open);

    var result = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    result.Content = new StreamContent(stream);
    result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

    return result;
于 2013-03-31T04:02:27.067 回答

我需要类似的东西,但需要IHttpActionResult ( WebApi2 )。

public virtual IHttpActionResult Get()
    var result = new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
        Content = new System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"c:\temp\some.json"))

    result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
    return ResponseMessage(result);
于 2017-02-09T15:02:12.210 回答