3 回答 3


In the code you posted you are attempting to format a string %s as a result the printf method expects a char* to be passed. if you pass it an int or a single char it will issue a warning as it does.

to print a single char as per your example you would need:

printf("%c\n", map[0][0]);

The reason it works when you pass in the &map[0][0] is because you are now passing in a pointer to a character ( char* ) which is the same as passing it an array of characters.

See the printf reference.

于 2013-03-31T01:41:58.787 回答

它之所以有效,是因为您发送了第一个元素(char *)类型的地址。该参数在 printf 函数中得到 DECAYED,该函数在您的情况下需要一个指向字符数组的 char 指针

于 2013-03-31T20:08:57.550 回答

由于 char 本身是一个数值,一个 8 位整数,这样的代码会给你这个警告。至于您的第二个问题,使用“address of”运算符获取 map[0][0] 的地址会为您提供指向 map[0] 的第一个元素的指针,或者在这种情况下为值 1,并且 printf 需要一个指向 char 数组的指针。考虑一下:

char map [20];
map [0]=1;
printf ("%s\n", map); //or printf ("%s\n", &map[0])

两者都指向第一个元素,有效地打印直到数组中到达 null,'\0'。


于 2013-03-31T01:45:30.127 回答