I am trying to understand how exactly assignment operators, constructors and parameters passed in functions work in python specifically with lists and objects. I have a class with a list as a parameter. I want to initialize it to an empty list and then want to populate it using the constructor. I am not quite sure how to do it.
Lets say my class is --
class A:
List = [] # Point 1
def __init1__(self, begin=[]): # Point 2
for item in begin:
def __init2__(self, begin): # Point 3
List = begin
def __init3__(self, begin=[]): # Point 4
List = list()
for item in begin:
listObj = A()
b = listObj
I have the following questions. It will be awesome if someone could clarify what happens in each case --
Is declaring an empty like in Point 1 valid? What is created? A variable pointing to NULL?
Which of Point 2 and Point 3 are valid constructors? In Point 3 I am guessing that a new copy of the list passed in (begin) is not made and instead the variable List will be pointing to the pointer "begin". Is a new copy of the list made if I use the constructor as in Point 2?
What happens when I delete the object using del? Is the list deleted as well or do I have to call del on the List before calling del on the containing object? I know Python uses GC but if I am concerned about cleaning unused memory even before GC kicks in is it worth it?
Also assigning an object of type A to another only makes the second one point to the first right? If so how do I do a deep copy? Is there a feature to overload operators? I know python is probably much simpler than this and hence the question.
EDIT: 5. I just realized that using Point 2 and Point 3 does not make a difference. The items from the list begin are only copied by reference and a new copy is not made. To do that I have to create a new list using list(). This makes sense after I see it I guess.