I need to parse tags in posted strings. Where can I find the classes and methods that I can use to accomplish this inside the Play! framework? I need exactly the same functionality as Play! uses to process views templates (the files that are usually ending with .scala.html)
75 次
1 回答
Here is the compiler: https://github.com/playframework/Play20/blob/master/framework/src/templates-compiler/src/main/scala/play/templates/ScalaTemplateCompiler.scala
Here is the compiler call: https://github.com/playframework/Play20/blob/652f26856356c643f4db44b6a44150183a4b4887/framework/src/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/PlayCommands.scala#L298
于 2013-04-02T14:40:45.767 回答