I made a program that is supposed to put all the elements that are true for the predicate in a list. It does work but not for things like >, <, etc. It only works for things like zero? and negative? How can I make it so it works for <, >, etc?

(define (divide1 pred? ls)
 (if (null? ls) '()
    (if (pred? (car ls))
        (cons (car ls) (divide1 pred? (cdr ls)))
        (divide1 pred? (cdr ls)))))

~(divide1 zero? '(0 0 4 5))
(0 0)
~(divide1 < '(0 -5 8 5))
(-5 5) <- I think...

2 回答 2


In your function, the predicate is given just one argument. That makes it work for predicates like zero?, but not for predicates taking two arguments, like < and >

One possible change to make it compare successive pairs in a list, and then return the elements that satisfies the predicate is this:

(define (divide2 pred? ls)
 (cond ((or (null? ls) (null? (cdr ls))))
       ((pred? (car ls) (cadr ls))
        (cons (car ls) (divide2 pred? (cddr ls))))
        (cons (cadr ls) (divide2 pred? (cddr ls))))))
于 2013-03-30T21:36:04.297 回答

You're describing the filter procedure (or divide1, as you called it):

(filter zero? '(0 0 4 5))
=> '(0 0)

The procedure receives as arguments a one-parameter predicate function and a list. That's the reason why it works for zero? and negative? (both receive a single parameter), but it will fail for <, because it expects two parameters - in other words, you have to specify what is less than what. For instance, to test for items that are less than zero using <:

(filter (lambda (x) (< x 0)) '(0 -5 8 5))
=> '(5)

In conclusion: to make it work for <, >, etc. you'll have to pass a lambda where one of the arguments is a fixed value (0 in the above example) and the other is the current element from the list (x in the previous example.)

于 2013-03-30T22:27:08.497 回答