I have a html table, in which I'm erasing some <td>s and replacing them with <td>Added!</td> with ajax when a certain action is taken, like this:


However, I want to have the option to undo the action and I need to put the original td data back.

I have a few options I know of:

1) Store the original value in an array

I don't know how to do this, however. The following doesn't work:

storedFoodData[id][2] = tr.find('.td2').html();
storedFoodData[id][3] = tr.find('.td3').html();

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '6' of undefined

2) Not replace the original TD, just hide() it and append() a new one after it

The problem here is that I'm not sure I can do this, semantically. It should break the html code if I understand it correctly.

Any ideas how to solve this situation?


1 回答 1


You can use html5 data-attributes

Save html() of td in data attribute and mark that td as lastUpdated td by adding a particular class (I am using active class). Later on, if someone clicks undo, retrieve the content from data attribute and put that in html()

    var td = tr.find('.td2');

And on click of undo, use this,

var active = $('.active');
于 2013-03-30T19:31:50.530 回答