I'm planning to use the pop up menu API. However it is only for API 11 and above. I don't want to use it if there are still a significant number of phones out there with API<11. However I have no idea of the current state of API levels on android phones. Would it be safe to say that the majority of phones out there can use this or can update to it?
2 回答
Not sure what is this "popup menu", but you can simply set the minSdk to 11 in the manifest if you want to support only devices that have API 11 and above :
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="17" />
Also, for statistics of the Android about the API number, check this website . Currently, a little less than 50% of the android devices run on API 11 and above.
I would recommend to try to make your app run on older devices, at least from API 8 or 9. There are many compatibility libraries out there that could help you.
According to http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html, there are currently 44% of devices on the Android market that have Gingerbread r2 (API level 10). So no, it does not look like you can rely on the API level being higher than 11.
You could search whether another library, be it Google's Android support library or a third party one, like e.g. ActionBarSherlock, has the support for the API you want. However, it seems neither of these two implements PopupMenu.
根据 Stack Overflow 的其他答案(Android 2.1 API 7 中的 Pre-Honeycomb和PopupMenu 的适当替代方案),PopupMenu 似乎不是为小手机屏幕设计的。