I have been trying to create a synchronized scrolling between two divs using jQuery draggable but I am having trouble figuring out the correct "equation" to get it to work properly.
Basically, I have two sides – left and right. The left side is going to hold information (small scale...the orange rectangle in my example) as well as a "magnifier" (the purple and black box in my example) which the user will be able to drag up and down over the information using jQuery draggable. The right side is going to hold a copy of that same information, only at a much larger scale (the tall pink box in my example).
I am attempting to make it so that when dragging the "magnifier" over the information on the left hand side, the larger scale of the information on the right hand side scrolls up and down in sync with the "magnifier". My problem is getting the position of the large scale div (in relation to the main wrapper) to match up with the position of the center of the "magnifier" (in relation to the smaller div that hold the small scale information). This needs to work dynamically as in no matter what size either divs are, it is always the correct relation.
这是一个工作示例的链接:http: //people.rit.edu/bjc7188/
$(document).ready(function() {
axis: "y",
drag: function(event, ui)
var $target = ($("#toZoom").height()/2) - ((($("#dragMe").position().top + $("#dragMe").height()/2)*($("#scroller").height()/$("#toZoom").height())));
$("#scroller").css({ top: ($target + $("#dragMe").height()/2) + "px" });
这有点草率,但它确实适用于我正在尝试做的事情。但是,当左侧橙色 div 的大小发生更改时,它不起作用。无论粉红色或橙色 div 的大小如何,我都需要一个能够动态工作的方程。