I have Jruby on rails application connected with DB2 C-Express. My problem is that the torquebox is not able to find the additional jar driver which I am using to connect the database and the application.

I have found that if you have torque box install you should add this jar in the


folder. The problem is that when I install the torque box following the official documentation I use the "First Steps with RVM" way and I have not got the folder mention above - I just have the torque box gem.

What's the way to point the torque box gem where the jar is?


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After deep looking through the jboss and TorqueBox files I was not able to solve the issue. Fortunately, I've got some help from torque box - IRC Channel.

If you want to use db2 with WEBRICK you need to copy db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar to jruby/lib (~/.rvm/rubies/jruby-*/lib) directory.

The good thing about TorqueBox is that

TorqueBox automatically adds any jar files under the applications lib/ directory to the classpath of your application

So, just copy these files into your application lib/ directory.

于 2013-04-17T20:01:30.227 回答