
//filename is noproblem.php
//Assign each letter a ratio
$ratios = array(
'A' => 1,
'B' => 0.5

//Assign each letter a quantity retrieved from POST
$quantities = array(
                'A' => $_POST['AQuantity'],
                'B' => $_POST['BQuantity']

//Assign each letter a value 
$values = array(
                'A' => ($ratios['A']*$quantities['A']),
                'B' => ($ratios['B']*$quantities['B'])

echo "Quantity A = "; echo($quantities['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value A = "; echo($values['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Quantity B = "; echo($quantities['B']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value B = "; echo($values['B']);

<form name="Quantities" action="noproblem.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Insert">
Quantity for A<input type="text" name="AQuantity" size="4 "value="<?php if($_POST['AQuantity']>0) {echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['AQuantity']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">
Quantity for B<input type="text" name="BQuantity" size="4" value="<?php if($_POST['BQuantity']>0) {echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['BQuantity']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">

但是,问题是我需要 Quantities 和 Values 变量稍后转移到另一个 PHP 文件中,该文件只能包含 PHP 代码(JPGraph)。这可以通过使用 $_SESSION 变量来实现,但随后表单提交突然需要按两次。违规代码:

//filename is problem.php

//Assign each letter a ratio
$ratios = array(
'A' => 1,
'B' => 0.5

$_SESSION = array(
        //Assign each letter a quantity retrieved from POST
        'quantities' => array(
                'A' => $_POST['AQuantity'],
                'B' => $_POST['BQuantity']
        //Assign each letter a USD Value from API data and their respective quantities
        'values' => array(
                'A' => ($ratios['A']*$_SESSION['quantities']['A']),
                'B' => ($ratios['B']*$_SESSION['quantities']['B'])
echo "Quantity A = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value A = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Quantity B = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['B']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value B = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['B']);

<form name="Quantities" action="problem.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Insert">
Quantity for A<input type="text" name="AQuantity" size="4 "value="<?php if($_POST['AQuantity']>0) {echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['AQuantity']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">
Quantity for B<input type="text" name="BQuantity" size="4" value="<?php if($_POST['BQuantity']>0) {echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['BQuantity']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">

我不能理解 SESSION 是如何工作的,所以在这方面的一些启示将不胜感激。首先,我需要知道如何修复代码,以便在使用 SESSION 时只需按一下按钮即可正确计算。我知道一个不太理想的解决方案是将每个需要的变量复制到 $_SESSION 数组中,并在该文件的主体中使用非 SESSION 变量。当然,还有比这更优雅的方式。


3 回答 3



//filename is problem.php

//Assign each letter a ratio
$ratios = array(
'A' => 1,
'B' => 0.5
$quantities = array(
                'A' => $_POST['AQuantity'],
                'B' => $_POST['BQuantity']

//Assign each letter a value 
$values = array(
                'A' => ($ratios['A']*$quantities['A']),
                'B' => ($ratios['B']*$quantities['B'])

$_SESSION['quantities'] = $quantities;
$_SESSION['values'] = $values;

echo "Quantity A = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value A = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['A']); echo "<br>";
echo "Quantity B = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['B']); echo "<br>";
echo "Value B = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['B']);
于 2013-03-30T18:29:21.390 回答

这与 $_SESSION 无关,而是与函数调用(在本例中为 arra())有关。

您尝试使用在它返回后设置的值调用对 array() 的第一次调用。所以你第一次乘以0。就这样。

于 2013-03-30T18:45:42.473 回答


//filename is noproblem.php
//Assign each letter a ratio
$ratios = array(
'A' => 1,
'B' => 0.5

if ( !empty($_POST) ) {
   //Assign each letter a quantity retrieved from POST
   $_SESSION['quantities'] = array(
                'A' => intval($_POST['AQuantity']),
                'B' => intval($_POST['BQuantity'])

   //Assign each letter a value 
   $_SESSION['values'] = array(
                'A' => ($ratios['A'] * $_SESSION['quantities']['A']),
                'B' => ($ratios['B'] * $_SESSION['quantities']['B'])

   echo "Quantity A = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['A']); echo "<br>";
   echo "Value A = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['A']); echo "<br>";
   echo "Quantity B = "; echo($_SESSION['quantities']['B']); echo "<br>";
   echo "Value B = "; echo($_SESSION['values']['B']);

<form name="Quantities" action="noproblem.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Insert">
Quantity for A<input type="text" name="AQuantity" size="4 "value="<?php if(!empty($_SESSION['quantities']['A'])) {echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['quantities']['A']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">
Quantity for B<input type="text" name="BQuantity" size="4" value="<?php if(!empty($_SESSION['quantities']['B'])) {echo htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['quantities']['B']);} else {echo 0;} ?>">

This sets the SESSION values and then uses them if they are not empty. Notice that I wrapped your POST values in intval() to enforce a number also. Not sure if this will help, but here is a session tutorial. Assuming you use session_start() in your next PHP script, the variables you set here should be availabe.

于 2013-03-30T18:46:10.347 回答