我正在使用一个非常幼稚的实现......我确信它可以变得更强大,但我已经在这个方面进行了 5 个小时左右的破解。
Ext.define('MyApp.override.Application', {
override : 'Ext.app.Application',
onProfilesLoaded: function() {
var profiles = this.getProfiles(),
length = profiles.length,
instances = [],
requires = this.gatherDependencies(),
current, i, profileDeps;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var instance = Ext.create(profiles[i], {
application: this
* Note that we actually require all of the dependencies for all Profiles - this is so that we can produce
* a single build file that will work on all defined Profiles. Although the other classes will be loaded,
* the correct Profile will still be identified and the other classes ignored. While this feels somewhat
* inefficient, the majority of the bulk of an application is likely to be the framework itself. The bigger
* the app though, the bigger the effect of this inefficiency so ideally we will create a way to create and
* load Profile-specific builds in a future release.
if (instance.isActive() && !current) {
console.log('Profile active: ' + instance.getName());
current = instance;
profileDeps = instance.getDependencies();
requires = requires.concat(profileDeps.all);
var ns = instance.getNamespace();
// Merge Controllers, Models, Stores, and Views
// Remove the view ref and requires for default views, when a profile specific one exists
Ext.each(profileDeps.view, function(className) {
if (className.indexOf('view.' + ns + '.') !== -1) {
// Requires
var index = requires.indexOf(className.replace('view.' + ns, 'view'));
if (index !== -1) {
requires.splice(index, 1);
// Views
index = this.getViews().indexOf(className.replace('view.' + ns, 'view'));
if (index !== -1) {
this.getViews().splice(index, 1);
}, this);
instances[0] = instance;
Ext.require(requires, this.loadControllerDependencies, this);
把它放在你的 Ext.application 之前,它会替换配置文件加载器...这个删除与活动配置文件命名空间中同名的默认视图。
它要求您为匹配的视图定义一个 xtype,然后即使您在控制器中的 refs 也可以工作......