I really have taken a liking to Stackoverflow's permalinks. The way I understand them to work is as follows:


The following gets the job done too https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15721310:


Interestingly, if you put anything after uniqueid you will get to the question


All of the above work, this allows you to change the question's title without losing all your permalinks.

I'm using jekyll and I plan to launch on github with github-pages (which doesn't allow .htaccess). If it can be done with jekyll without github-pages (which I'm sure is much easier) then I'd be willing to deploy it to a hosted VPS. I'm open to any solution!

I would also like questions to be a specific variable in the post like post.category or post.template such as blog or portfolio.


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The only close this I found in Jekill Docs is to define permalink in every post:

layout: share
title: CoffeeScript Spaces and Tabs
date: 2013-09-17
categories: [coffee, eclipse, nodeclipse, enide, studio, monster]
permalink: /share/coffeescript-spaces-and-tabs

I see no trace of post ID concept in Jekyll. I hope someone can suggest how to do that with variables or some other way.

于 2013-09-17T10:36:19.047 回答