How can I view and manage requirements of my app (API version is obvious and is in Manifest), but how about having GPS, phone module, and so on?

Can I publish in Google play same app but for example for phones with LTE (something like same app for different API)?


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Using filters in your manifest (see links referenced below), you can use elements like <uses-configuration>, <uses-feature>, <uses-library>, and <uses-sdk> to specify which features your app requires in order to run.

You can publish your most "advanced" version of your app on Google Play and give it the highest android:versionCode, and then publish a "less-advanced" version with less filters and a lower android:versionCode value. Devices that Google Play thinks can utilize the most advanced version will receive that APK, and others will receive the lesser one.

Check these links for more information:

于 2013-06-16T06:27:26.010 回答