I'm new to Android and I would like to try jfeinstein10's library which can be found here: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues

Unfortunately I have problems importing the library. I checked this video out. I set the project's build path to the Google API. In the videos all the errors disappear. As minTargetSdk I selected Android 2.2. (API 8), targetSdlVersion is 17. In my case I still have some errors in the SlidingMenu class:

1)HONEYCOMB cannot be resolved or is not a field

2)LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE cannot be resolved or is not a field

3)LAYER_TYPE_NONE cannot be resolved or is not a field

4)The Method getLayerType() is undefined for the type View

5)The Method setLayerType(int, null) is undefined for the type View

Any suggestions how I can fix these issues? Thank you in advance



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I have the project build target (right mouse-click on project, then select properties, then Android) set to Google APIs v17.

I don't think you can set it to minTargetSdk of Android API 8.

于 2013-03-30T16:41:53.007 回答