I cannot access the objects properties using the Twig dot notation. For example, from looking at the object dump, I should be able to do image.copyright, which should print "Blue button near the Cayman Islands, Caribbean (© Lawson Wood/Aurora Photos)" for the first item.

The error message I get is

Method "copyright" for object "SimpleXMLElement" does not exist in ARRaiDesignBundle:Default:wallpapers.html.twig at line 12

While dumping the object using dump(image) dumps each of the objects.

Controller class:

$host = 'http://www.bing.com';
$file = $host . '/HPImageArchive.aspx?format=xml&idx=0&n=10&mkt=en-US';
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);

return $this->render('ARRaiDesignBundle:Default:wallpapers.html.twig', array('xml' => $xml, 'host' => $host));

wallpapers.html.twig file:

{% for image in xml %}
<p><pre>{{ image.copyright }}</pre></p>
{% endfor %}

Object dump using dump(image) in Twig:

object(SimpleXMLElement)#268 (12) {
  string(8) "20130330"
  string(12) "201303300000"
  string(8) "20130331"
  string(46) "/az/hprichbg/rb/BlueButton_EN-US1108621411.jpg"
  string(43) "/az/hprichbg/rb/BlueButton_EN-US10208337365"
  string(77) "Blue button near the Cayman Islands, Caribbean (© Lawson Wood/Aurora Photos)"
  string(74) "http://www.bing.com/search?q=Blue+Button+%28Porpita+porpita%29&form=hpcapt"
  string(1) "1"
  string(1) "1"
  string(1) "1"

Can anyone suggest how to do this? I know I can use PHP rendering instead of Twig, but that's not a fix for me. Thanks.


4 回答 4


with example php doc http://www.php.net/manual/fr/simplexml.examples-basic.php
in twig, to get attribute 'type' from 'rating' item, use attributes (="@attributes") like :

{% for rating in movies.movie.rating %}
   {{ rating.attributes.type }}
{% endfor %}
于 2014-01-16T10:52:12.137 回答

It seems to me that your SimpleXMLElement does not have magic methods implemented. When you call in Twig object.property - it invokes getProperty() method of your object. Try do access property directly in Twig:

{{ image['copyright'] }}
于 2013-03-30T16:00:46.313 回答

This was happening due to Bing's werid XML structure, the last bit is not iterative friendly. With standard PHP it's fine, but with Twig, it doesn't catch the errors for the last element.


To fix this, I just unset tooltips. "unset($xml->tooltips)"

Thanks @JaredFarrish for providing clean xml. :)

于 2013-03-30T19:14:56.003 回答

I believe you have to proxy that object. Create a new object that wraps the SimpleXMLElement object and define a getCopyright() method.

class Element 
    protected $xmlElement;
    public function getCopyright() 
        return $this->xmlElement->copyright;
于 2013-03-31T06:35:17.233 回答