I'm trying to solve a problem that does not show the JScrollPane on a window ajax Fancybox with row within a structure-fluid bootstrap.

I saw on the net almost all the posts related to the problem, I have tried almost everything, but it really is a problem you can not solve?

I used a file main.js : specific code for fancybox whit jscrollpane (no work in firefox)

$(".various").attr('rel', 'gallery').fancybox({
        maxWidth: 900,
        maxHeight: 400,
        fitToView: false,
        autoSize: false,
        closeClick: false,
        openEffect: 'fade',
        closeEffect: 'fade',

        'onComplete': (function(){
           scrollpane = $('.row-fluid #span4project').jScrollPane({showArrows: true, scrollbarWidth : '50'});
        'onStart' : (function() {

        'onClose' : (function() {


Code for the content in home page (good work in firefox)

 if (!$.browser.webkit) {


1 回答 1


感谢您的回答,我尝试使用 fancybox 2 的代码支持

这是 .various 的代码

 /* fancybox        ---------------------------------------------         */
    /* profile, research */
    $(".various").attr('rel', 'gallery').fancybox({
        maxWidth: 900,
        maxHeight: 400,
        fitToView: false,
        autoSize: false,
        closeClick: false,
        openEffect: 'fade',
        closeEffect: 'fade',

          $('.rowfluid').jScrollPane({width:265, scrollbarWidth:17, scrollbarMargin:10, showArrows:true, arrowSize: 17, wheelSpeed:71});
于 2013-04-01T21:46:37.630 回答