I am running windows 8 64 bit and using Code::Blocks as well as Eclipse as IDE for OpenCV v.2.4.4.

I am following the online tutorial at http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/core/basic_linear_transform/basic_linear_transform.html#basic-linear-transform

Whenever I include .dll.a files in opencv\build\x64\mingw\lib\ as well as required headers in opencv\build\include in my IDE settings and corresponding opencv\build\x64\mingw\bin in my PATH variable, I get compile time errors about undefined reference to opencv functions.

Whenever I include the corrosponding 32 bit dll files in my IDE settings and set 32 bit dll files' path in my PATH variable, the program compiles fine. But, when I open the .exe file, it says that 'libopencv_core244.dll is missing from your computer. Re-install the application.' The PATH variable being set correctly, I don't understand the problem..

I am digging up about this on the web as much as I can but still unable to fix this...please help...


1 回答 1


Rebooting after updating the PATH variable worked!

于 2013-03-31T12:44:37.193 回答