这是@F 的无耻复制粘贴。P 自由地,但是
- 我添加了缩进功能
- 稍作修改,以使输出具有正确的 Scala 样式(并且将为所有原始类型编译)
- 修复了字符串文字错误
- 添加了对
(因为我经常在 Spark 中使用它)
// Recursively get all the fields; this will grab vals declared in parents of case classes.
def getFields(cls: Class[_]): List[Field] =
Option(cls.getSuperclass).map(getFields).getOrElse(Nil) ++
cls.getDeclaredFields.toList.filterNot(f =>
f.isSynthetic || java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers))
// FIXME fix bug where indent seems to increase too much
def prettyfy(a: Any, indentSize: Int = 0): String = {
val indent = List.fill(indentSize)(" ").mkString
val newIndentSize = indentSize + 2
(a match {
// Make Strings look similar to their literal form.
case string: String =>
val conversionMap = Map('\n' -> "\\n", '\r' -> "\\r", '\t' -> "\\t", '\"' -> "\\\"", '\\' -> "\\\\")
string.map(c => conversionMap.getOrElse(c, c)).mkString("\"", "", "\"")
case xs: Seq[_] =>
xs.map(prettyfy(_, newIndentSize)).toString
case xs: Array[_] =>
s"Array(${xs.map(prettyfy(_, newIndentSize)).mkString(", ")})"
case map: Map[_, _] =>
s"Map(\n" + map.map {
case (key, value) => " " + prettyfy(key, newIndentSize) + " -> " + prettyfy(value, newIndentSize)
}.mkString(",\n") + "\n)"
case None => "None"
case Some(x) => "Some(" + prettyfy(x, newIndentSize) + ")"
case timestamp: Timestamp => "new Timestamp(" + timestamp.getTime + "L)"
case p: Product =>
.map { f =>
s" ${f.getName} = ${prettyfy(f.get(p), newIndentSize)}"
// General objects and primitives end up here.
case q =>
.split("\n", -1).mkString("\n" + indent)
case class Foo(bar: String, bob: Int)
case class Alice(foo: Foo, opt: Option[String], opt2: Option[String])
scala> prettyPrint(Alice(Foo("hello world", 10), Some("asdf"), None))
res6: String =
foo = Foo(
bar = "hello world",
bob = 10
opt = Some("asdf"),
opt2 = None