I'm having some strange issue when I place the callback function inside a module, the library cannot seem to find the function, so if I use:

var Auth = (function () {
    var gPlusSignCallback = function () {
      console.log("Google plus signin call back done!");

  return {
      gPlusSignCallback: gPlusSignCallback

And in the html snipped of the Google+ Signing button I use:


I get the following error:

Callback function named "Auth.gPlusSignCallback" not found

If I put the gPlusSignCallback outside the module everything works well. I checked the documentation and it says that the value must be a function in the global namespace. So is it not working by design? I need to make global variable that makes reference to the function in the module?


2 回答 2


The signin callback must be a global function for the widget to find it. Wrap your callback as such:

function onSigninCallback(e){
于 2013-03-30T16:53:28.643 回答

An alternative is to use the Javascript API to render the button. If you do that, you can pass a reference to a function as callback. This is an example from PhotoHunt, the End-to-end Google+ Platform sample application.

于 2013-04-02T06:26:43.587 回答