我必须使用 GWT 在 jboss erai 中创建一个项目,但我想使用 eclipse 建模框架 .ecore 模型使用 acceleo 生成我的模型代码。我做过这些事情。

  1. 使用命令创建 maven 项目

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.errai.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=cdi-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=2.2.0.Final

  1. 将项目导入 Eclipse 作为现有的 Maven 项目。

  2. 转到 Acceleo-> 将项目转换为 Acceleo 生成器项目,但一无​​所获。

  3. 然后我去 Acceleo->Convert to Acceleo MTL Projects 并创建了一个新的 acceleo 项目并使用 .ecore 模型为我以前的项目生成了模型,但是在模型类中出现错误,因为我在 String 和其他也作为 E-datatype 获取 EString ,请提出解决方案,我如何在我的 jboss errai maven 项目中使用 acceleo 功能。


[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module main('http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore')  ]

[template public generateElement(anEClass : EClass)]
[comment @main /]
[file (anEClass.name.concat('.java'), false, 'UTF-8')]
    public class [anEClass.name.toUpperFirst()/]{
[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes) separator('\n')]
private [p.eAttributeType.name/] [p.name/];

[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes)  separator('\n')]
public  [p.eAttributeType.name/]  get[p.name.toUpperFirst()/]()

    return this.[p.name/];


[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes) separator('\n')]
public  void set[p.name.toUpperFirst()/]([p.eAttributeType.name/] [p.name/])

[protected ('protected')]




从 .ecore 模型生成的模型之一是

public class UserRegistration {
    private EString strFirstName;
    private EString strSurName;
    private EString strOccupation;
    private EString strQualificaion;
    private EString strFotherName;
    private EString strMotherName;
    private EEList chMaritalStatus;
    private EDouble dblAnnualIncome;
    private EDate dtDOB;
    private EString strAbout;
    private EJavaClass objAcceleo;

    public EString getStrFirstName() {
        return this.strFirstName;

    public EString getStrSurName() {
        return this.strSurName;

    public EString getStrOccupation() {
        return this.strOccupation;

    public EString getStrQualificaion() {
        return this.strQualificaion;

    public EString getStrFotherName() {
        return this.strFotherName;

    public EString getStrMotherName() {
        return this.strMotherName;

    public EEList getChMaritalStatus() {
        return this.chMaritalStatus;

    public EDouble getDblAnnualIncome() {
        return this.dblAnnualIncome;

    public EDate getDtDOB() {
        return this.dtDOB;

    public EString getStrAbout() {
        return this.strAbout;

    public EJavaClass getObjAcceleo() {
        return this.objAcceleo;

    public void setStrFirstName(EString strFirstName) {
        this.strFirstName = strFirstName;

    public void setStrSurName(EString strSurName) {
        this.strSurName = strSurName;

    public void setStrOccupation(EString strOccupation) {
        this.strOccupation = strOccupation;

    public void setStrQualificaion(EString strQualificaion) {
        this.strQualificaion = strQualificaion;

    public void setStrFotherName(EString strFotherName) {
        this.strFotherName = strFotherName;

    public void setStrMotherName(EString strMotherName) {
        this.strMotherName = strMotherName;

    public void setChMaritalStatus(EEList chMaritalStatus) {
        this.chMaritalStatus = chMaritalStatus;

    public void setDblAnnualIncome(EDouble dblAnnualIncome) {
        this.dblAnnualIncome = dblAnnualIncome;

    public void setDtDOB(EDate dtDOB) {
        this.dtDOB = dtDOB;

    public void setStrAbout(EString strAbout) {
        this.strAbout = strAbout;

    public void setObjAcceleo(EJavaClass objAcceleo) {
        this.objAcceleo = objAcceleo;

    //Start of user code protected
    //End of user code

在这里,我将 EString 代替 String 和其他原始数据类型作为 E-Data 类型。



1 回答 1


Actually I got the core answer for my question I just modified in my mtl file

[comment encoding = UTF-8 /]
[module main('http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore')/]  
[template public generateElement(anEClass : EClass)]
[comment @main /]
[file (anEClass.name.concat('.java'), false, 'UTF-8')]
package com.garvityWeb.main.migrated.models;
public class [anEClass.name.toUpperFirst()/]
[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes) separator('\n')]
private [p.eAttributeType.instanceClassName/] [p.name/];

[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes)  separator('\n')]
public  [p.eAttributeType.instanceClassName/]  get[p.name.toUpperFirst()/]()
    return this.[p.name/];
[ for (p:EAttribute|anEClass.eAttributes) separator('\n')]
public  void set[p.name.toUpperFirst()/]([p.eAttributeType.instanceClassName/] [p.name/])
于 2013-04-04T15:46:50.173 回答