我有一个使用新的、基于状态的ui-router的 AngularJS 应用程序。我的应用程序中有三个不同的视图,其中一个是顶级视图,另外两个是嵌套视图。
/ => Top-level view
/foo => Abstract view, loads a view that contains a ui-view placeholder
/foo/bar => View for the placeholder
/foo/baz => View for the placeholder
app.config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', function ($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider) {
'use strict';
.when('/bar', '/foo/bar')
.state('home', {
url: '/',
views: {
'': {
controller: 'homeController',
templateUrl: '/home/homeLayout.html',
'firstHomeView@home': {
templateUrl: '/home/firstHomeView.html'
'secondHomeView@home': {
templateUrl: '/homme/secondHomeView.html'
.state('foo', {
abstract: true,
templateUrl: '/foo/fooLayout.html',
controller: 'fooController'
.state('foo.bar', {
url: '/foo/bar',
templateUrl: '/foo/barView.html',
controller: 'barController'
.state('foo.baz', {
url: '/foo/baz',
templateUrl: '/foo/bazView.html',
controller: 'bazController'
问题是,当您单击或手动输入 url 时,基本上一切都按预期工作,但在使用浏览器的后退/前进按钮时它不起作用。
,正如预期的那样。当您然后单击链接转到 时/foo/baz
If you now hit the back button, you are taken back to /foo/baz
(which is correct), but only the /foo/fooLayout.html
view is rendered, not its sub-view /foo/bazView.html
. The strange thing is now that if you hit the back button again, you are taken to /foo/bar
and it renders correctly, including its subview! It seems as if nested views weren't recognized when using the back button, at least, if you enter an abstract view at the same time.
is not enabled, but enabling it doesn't make any difference.
I am using AngularJS 1.0.5 and ui-router 0.0.1-2013-03-20.
Any ideas what might cause this issue, and how I might solve it?