What I need is an ordered, associative container with string keys, valued by a vector of numbers. Further, I need O(1) insertion time.

My description sounds abstract, I shall give you a scenario:

There is an online test. When a person takes this test his name is added into a database. People may take the test repeatedly if they like. All their scores will be recorded under their name (which is unique). For example, David, Tom, Alice come and take the exam a few times. The program should be able to print out the output in following format:

Alice 65 70 84
David 98 97 93
Tom   100 45 


我可以在这里使用什么数据结构?(首选 STL。)我目前正在使用,unordered_map因为它给了我O(1)插入,但它不能按字典顺序迭代键。


3 回答 3



我们可以立即得出结论,这个容器不能单独使用比较器,因为基于比较器的排序的下限为O(n log n).



于 2013-03-30T06:22:27.617 回答

考虑到在这种情况下真正的O(1)操作是一个非常复杂的问题,并且您更喜欢使用 STL,我建议使用以下数据结构。并不是说这不能满足您的 Big-Oh 要求,即使使用 STL,这也不是实现它的最有效方式,但它简单而高效。

您的主要数据结构是std::map. 但是为了加速查找到 O(1),你可以使用std::unordered_map这样的:

using std::map, std::string, std::vector, std::unordered_map;

typedef map<string, vector<int> > TestTakersMap;
typedef unordered_map<string, TestTakersMap::iterator> LookupAccelerator;


  • 添加一个新人:您插入到地图中,但您也在地图中添加名称和迭代器,您将新记录插入到 unordered_map 中。O(log(N))
  • 查找一个人:使用 unordered_map,您可以获得该人的迭代器和数据。预期 O(1)
  • 添加新分数:您使用 unordered_map 找到该人,然后使用您获得的迭代器附加新分数。摊销 O(1)
  • 打印出所有名称和分数:您迭代地图本身并按字典顺序获取名称,无需添加排序步骤。可以认为是O(S),其中S是所有参与者的得分总数。



#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;

这是一个非常简单的类来做一些你想要的操作。请注意,我使用的是 C++11 功能(auto, emplace, ...),但不要将此代码视为特别好的编程风格;我不能保证这一点。

class TestScores
    typedef int ScoreType;
    typedef vector<ScoreType> ScoreList;
    typedef map<string, ScoreList> TestTakersMap;
    typedef unordered_map<string, TestTakersMap::iterator> LookupAccelerator;

    bool hasName (string const & new_name) const
        return m_lookup.end() != m_lookup.find (new_name);

    // Returns true if the name is really new
    bool addName (string const & new_name)
        if (hasName(new_name))
            return false; // name already in there

        auto i = m_takers.emplace (new_name, vector<int>()).first;
        m_lookup.emplace (new_name, i);

        return true;

    ScoreList const & getScores (string const & name) const
        // This redirects to the private, non-const version
        return const_cast<TestScores *>(this)->getScores(name);

    void addScore (string const & name, ScoreType new_score)
        getScores(name).push_back (new_score);

    // If the name doesn't already exist, it is added!
    ScoreList & getScores (string const & name)
        if (!hasName(name))
            addName (name);

        return m_lookup[name]->second;

    TestTakersMap m_takers;
    LookupAccelerator m_lookup;
于 2013-03-30T07:17:18.073 回答

If you are really serious about the size of your data-set being very large, and that you absolutely need efficient insertion, lookup and lexicographical iteration, you can check out Judy Arrays. Judy arrays are fast, memory-efficient and trie-like associative data structures.

You can check out these two implementations:

于 2013-03-30T08:53:06.053 回答