我一直在使用 quantmod 中的一个名为getOptionsChain
. 现在有针对 GOOG、AAPL 等股票的迷你期权合约,它在我的代码中抛出了一个错误。我正在删除符号后的数字,现在迷你合约使用 GOOG7 遍历所有数据。有任何想法吗?
underlying <- 'GOOG'
# set what your volatility forcast or assumption is
volforcast <- .25
# Get symbols current price
yqf <- "Last Trade (Price Only)"
underlying.price <- getQuote(underlying,what=yahooQF(yqf))$Last
OC <- getOptionChain(underlying, NULL)
#check data
lputs <- lapply(OC, FUN = function(x) x$puts)
head(lputs) #check for NA values, yahoo returns all NA values sometimes
puts <- do.call('rbind', lputs )
#check data
symbols <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(lputs, rownames)))
expiries <- unlist(lapply(symbols, function(x) {
regmatches(x=x, regexpr('[0-9]{6}', x)) } ))
puts$maturity <- as.numeric((as.Date(expiries, "%y%m%d") - Sys.Date())/365)
GetIV <- function(type, value,
underlying, strike,dividendYield, riskFreeRate, maturity, volatility,
timeSteps=150, gridPoints=151) {
AmericanOptionImpliedVolatility(type, value,
underlying, strike,dividendYield, riskFreeRate, maturity, volatility, timeSteps=150, gridPoints=151)$impliedVol
#this is the part that throws the error due to NA values in puts$maturity
puts$IV <- mapply(GetIV, value = puts$Ask, strike = puts$Strike, maturity = puts$maturity,
MoreArgs= list(type='put', underlying= underlying.price,
dividendYield=0, riskFreeRate = 0.01,
volatility = volforcast), SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
#this is the error Error: Date's serial number (-2147442285) outside allowed range [367-109574], i.e. [January 1st, 1901-December 31st, 2199]
我想避免添加行 where puts$maturity
is NA