
'Update-Database' 数据库在我的本地机器上工作正常,但我如何让它适用于生产数据?

因此,如果我对我的应用程序进行更改,然后通过 Visual Studio 运行“发布”,这对于代码方面的工作正常,但我如何为生产数据运行“更新数据库”命令。




5 回答 5



现在,如果您更愿意手动控制迁移,您可以在开发人员机器上使用 Update-Database 命令的 -Script 参数来生成 SQL 脚本,然后您可以针对生产数据库运行这些脚本。

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj591621.aspx(请参阅获取 SQL 脚本部分)

于 2013-03-30T08:40:03.790 回答


就个人而言,我不相信automatic updates“实时”场景,而且我总是更喜欢手动数据库管理(即,permissions需要创建或更改 Db 存在问题 - 更不用说共享托管等) - 但从我所见在同步方面,迁移非常可靠(事实上,通常“解开”它们的唯一方法是删除 Db 并强制完全/全新更新)。

这是我不久前发表的一篇关于如何scriptsynchronize database / code面向部署场景(以及何时出现问题)的帖子。它不适用于您(还),但要记住一些事情。

MVC3 和 Code First 迁移 - “自从创建数据库以来,支持‘blah’上下文的模型已经改变”

于 2013-03-30T11:48:26.923 回答


这可能不是一个好主意,除非在您知道可以信任自动迁移并且手动迁移数据库不可行的非常简单的场景中。请看这个答案:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/15718190/2279059 。如果您忽略此警告,请继续阅读。

Add the following to web.config:

  <context type="MyAssembly.MyContext, MyAssembly" disableDatabaseInitialization="false">
    <databaseInitializer type="System.Data.Entity.MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion`2[[MyAssembly.MyContext, MyAssembly], [MyAssembly.Migrations.Configuration, MyAssembly]], EntityFramework" />

This may look scary, but it does basically the same as the following code:

Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyContext, Migrations.Configuration>());

If you have no luck with web.config, then you may also try to put this code into Global.asax. I personally prefer configuration over code.

If you want your config file to look cleaner, you can also derive a new class from the template MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion class so you don't need to use the cryptic syntax for passing type arguments in your web.cofig file:

public class MyDatabaseInitializer : public MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<MyContext, Migrations.Configuration> {}

What this does is to set a database initializer which automatically updates the database to the latest version.

(Source and more details: Entity Framework Code First Web.config Initialization)

于 2017-04-03T12:44:10.480 回答

Another solution that has worked for me was this: In my local web.config file, I set the connection string to point to the production server.

Then all the PM Console commands will be run on the production server. I can update-database or revert migrations as needed, and the changes will apply to the production database.

于 2020-07-04T08:11:58.300 回答

You can run the Update-Database EF Tools command using the Production connection string as follows:

Update-Database -Args '--environment Production'

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/cli/powershell#aspnet-core-environment

As stated by others, you have to be extra careful, you should definitely try it first on a Staging environment.

于 2020-12-08T20:18:47.803 回答