I have a function in my view controller with a mapkit that is called when the location changes. I would like set to the map view so that is is centered around the current location and moves with it as it updates.
It works in a sense i.e it tracks along, however it is always zoomed in really far. If I zoom out it snaps back to where it was when it calls the update again after getting a new location.
in from params CLLocation *loc
bool first = TRUE;
first=FALSE; // bit of a bodge...if i set this to false it will track the update possition but not at the desired "zoom" its look far to close.
CLLocation *loc = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:54.976619 longitude:-1.613118];//newcastle city center.
CLLocationDegrees spanLat = 1000;
CLLocationDegrees spanLng = 1000;
userLocation = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(loc.coordinate, spanLat, spanLng);
[mapview setRegion:userLocation animated:TRUE];
}else {
CLLocationDegrees spanLat = [mapview region].span.latitudeDelta;// keep the originals? DOESN'T WORK!!
CLLocationDegrees spanLng = [mapview region].span.longitudeDelta;//
userLocation = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(loc.coordinate, spanLat, spanLng);
[mapview setRegion:userLocation animated:TRUE];