So with the help of a stack-overflow member, I have the following code:
data = "needle's (which is a png image) base64 code goes here"
decoded = data.decode('base64')
f = cStringIO.StringIO(decoded)
image =
needle = image.load()
while True:
screenshot = ImageGrab.grab()
haystack = screenshot.load()
if detectImage(haystack, needle):
I've written the following code to check if the needle is in the haystack:
def detectImage(haystack, needle):
counter = 0
for hayrow in haystack:
for haypix in hayrow:
for needlerow in needle:
for needlepix in needlerow:
if haypix == needlepix:
counter += 1
if counter == 980: #the needle has 980 pixels
return True
return False
The issue is that I get this error for line 3: 'PixelAccess' object is not iterable
It was suggested to me that it would be easier to copy both needle and haystack into a numpy/scipy array. And then I can just use a function that checks to see if the 2D array needle is inside the 2D array haystack.
I need help with:
1) converting those arrays to numpy arrays.
2) a function that checks to see if the 2D array needle is inside the 2D array haystack. My function doesn't work.