我在访问数据库中有一些格式很差的旧数据。有一个包含混合数据的 packSize 列。有时它说“2 pack”,有时是“4 pk”,有时是“3”等。我想做的是运行 SQL 命令来删除所有文本并只留下数字。我该怎么办?


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UPDATE Table SET field = Val(field)

如果您想从字符串/字段中删除所有非数字值,这是我过去使用的一种方法(直接来自 Microsoft):

Function RemoveAlphas (ByVal AlphaNum as Variant)

   Dim Clean As String
   Dim Pos, A_Char$

   Pos = 1
   If IsNull(AlphaNum) Then Exit Function

   For Pos = 1 To Len(AlphaNum)
      A_Char$ = Mid(AlphaNum, Pos, 1)
      If A_Char$ >= "0" And A_Char$ <= "9" Then
         Clean$ = Clean$ + A_Char$
      End If
   Next Pos

   RemoveAlphas = Clean$

End Function


如何在更新查询中使用 RemoveAlphas() 函数

Create a new query based on the table with the phone number field. Place the phone number field in the first column of the query grid. On the Query menu, click Update. In the Update To row, enter the following for a field named Phone: RemoveAlphas([Phone]) Run the query.


于 2013-03-29T20:16:12.647 回答