If a website makes a GET request, from a HTTPS page to another HTTPS page, is that secure? Specifically, is the data in the URL / query params secure?
I'm asking because, hen I call Stripe.createToken, a connection is made to a URL with the credit card number in it. Even though the query parameter says _method=POST, it is being transmitted over a GET query param:
Request URL: https://api.stripe.com/v1/tokens?card[number]=4242424242424242&card[cvc]=123&card[exp_month]=4&card[exp_year]=2016&key=pk_test_1236&callback=sjsonp11234&_method=POST
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK
Now, I understand this is all over HTTPS, but isn't the URL part insecure? I thought that URLs get logged in various places along the way to their destination.