In my iOS application, I am trying to implement Facebook but am running into a problem. I currently have the user logging in as well as I have implemented the friend picker. I am looking to now have it so when the user taps a friend it will show their status(last post in their feed. e.g.."In NYC on broadway!"). I did a lot of research online but am getting very confused. If someone could point me to good tutorial or could just explain this that would be great. I believe I have to use open graph but other then Facebook's tutorials I can't find any. Are there any tutorials other than on FB?


2 回答 2


/<userId>/feed您可以通过调用( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=me%2Ffeed )访问用户的提要。然后,查找data数组 where的第一个元素"type": "status"

于 2013-04-01T02:29:53.067 回答

我认为您正在寻找的答案在这里,除了您将基本上(我假设)显示朋友列表及其个人资料照片。单击个人资料图片时,用户会看到他们的状态吗?或者您可以尝试一次完成所有操作(朋友姓名、照片、朋友的最后状态)。他们在该帖子中引用的 facebook 开发者 url 在这里

于 2013-04-05T23:17:30.067 回答