到目前为止,我已经上了一门计算机科学课程,现在我正在玩一些我制作的 GUI。

我不想将我的考试 GUI 保存为可以在没有安装 python 的情况下运行的 .exe/应用程序。我已经下载了 bbfreeze,因为它似乎是在 Windows 7 中运行得最好的程序,但我不知道如何做到这一点,谁能给我一个提示或链接到一个操作站点。会很好,谢谢!


1 回答 1


The documentation for bbfreeze is severely lacking. I would recomend using py2exe, cx_freeze, or pyinstaller instead. Off these if you are trying to make a single exe, pyinstaller is the easiest to use. cx_freeze and py2exe are very good, but they produce a series of files (dlls mostly) that the exe depends on.

To install Pyinstaller, follow the manual. It boils down to this: install PyWin32, then Pip win. In the pip win prompt, type in venv -c -i pyi-env-name, and then pip install PyInstaller.

于 2013-10-07T03:11:26.533 回答