I stuck with one simple thing:

I have URL http://mydomain.com/PagedPage?Page=1&PageSize=30&SortOrder=Name

I want to pass list of parameters as parameter to my custom Html.Pager helper but inside pager I should be able to edit the parameter "Page"

Is it possible to do without hardcoding data?

UPDATED: in cshtml page I have this helper (it is custom helper) @Html.Pager(Model.Page, Model.TotalPages, Model.TotalRecords, )

Inside pager I want to generate links: Page=1, Page=2, Page=3 etc but also ALL parameters which were passed inside html helper must be included.

Thank you!


1 回答 1


Yes Request.QueryString is the querystring, change one of the entries in the querystring, add rest of them and create a new querystring and pass that to the next page.

于 2013-03-29T18:22:43.747 回答