I've downloaded Visual Studio 2012 Pro from dreamspark and was all happy about it, but it looks like I'm missing the wchar.h file (isn't it kind of essential to Windows applications? Why didn't I get one?).

I feel stupid because I couldn't simply Google the solution (no magic "to get wchar.h download this SDK and do this", but some obscure problems with SP1 version)

Windows 7.


1 回答 1


You may wish to visit this link: missing header file on a new installation of visual studio 2012

According to that link, there is a bug and there is a workaround found at: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/762015/include-and-libraries-directories-not-setup-correctly-for-c-if-vs2010-already-installed

于 2013-03-28T21:24:31.843 回答