
(在社交网络应用程序上工作 - 如果您知道任何“通用”社交网络设计,请指出它们......会有所帮助)





示例: 图 2 用户
+ 兴趣+
+----- 兴趣
+----- 兴趣
+----- 等等...


**FIGURE 3**
+ interests+ 
           + books+
           |      + interest
           |      + interest
           |      + interest
           + movies+<br>
                   + interest
                   + interest
                   + interest



  1. 哪种模型最适合高性能、可扩展、类似 facebook 的系统 - 一个没有类别,或者一个有类别?记住性能..

  2. 兴趣可能不会总是激增到数千个节点——可能是十几个或一百个——添加类别的设计是否会增加太多开销?考虑尝试寻找和你一样喜欢的朋友——添加类别会增加太多开销吗?

  3. 后面的图像 - 那些具有类别和子类别节点的图像 - 它们只是看起来更好但对性能、组织等没有任何作用吗?

  4. 除了类别节点,是否应该只有一个类别属性来描述它所在的类别?在索引上添加具有类别属性的节点是否与具有类别节点一样好?

  5. In regards to question 4, would adding nodes with categories on an index be a better solution?

  6. What are the disadvantages to this type of structure? Are they any real advantages?


1 回答 1


I think that the interest categories are a good idea when your interests blow up to hundreds of thousands or millions of connections, if it is only a few thousand it should still work good enough. Perhaps that's even something you can evolve your user-nodes to when you actually need it. (Like a different handling of superstars on twitter).

It all depends also on your use-cases, what kinds of queries would you want to answer with the model, would those be limited to the categories or always query across all categories to the interests below?

Something you always have to take into account, is that the number of relationships touched will grow exponentially with each step you traverse out into the graph. So be aware that if you query from a user to all its friends or friends of friends and all their interests, the number of elements touched grows pretty quickly. Make sure your server has enough memory to keep large enough portions of the graph in memory to answer your requests quickly.

And make sure to do performance and load tests early on (e.g. with a data-generator).

Btw. to filter eagerly it might even be sensible to have a distinct relationship-type per interest, so that you can filter early on without actually following the rels that you are not interested in.

索引通常有助于全局类别,您可以使用名称和用户 ID 为您的类别编制索引,但随后您的用户时间类别索引条目也可以快速增长。


于 2013-03-29T19:08:17.287 回答