我是 python 新手。
我正在尝试Hbase thrift client using thrift
import json, traceback, sys, datetime, time, logging, threading, random
import logging.handlers
import thrift
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from hbase import THBaseService
gWritenItems = 0
gStartT = 0
gEndT = 0
recordsPerBatch = 300 #reports per client per day
columns = 3
concurrent = 10
records = 60000#6000000 #6 million
bytesPerRecord = 1024
mylock = threading.RLock()
class writeThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadname, RecordsThreadwillwrite):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name = threadname)
bytesPerColumn = int(bytesPerRecord/columns) - 11 #suppose 3 columns
self.columnvalue = "value_" + "x"*bytesPerColumn + "_endv"
self.tbwBatch = int (RecordsThreadwillwrite / recordsPerBatch)
self.transport = TBufferedTransport(TSocket('pnq-adongrevm1', 5151), 40960)
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
self.client = THBaseService.Client(protocol)
self.table = "example"
def run(self):
print "+%s start" % (self.getName())
global gEndT
global gWritenItems
threadWritenItem = 0
for loopidx in xrange(0, self.tbwBatch):
self.write_hbase() #write
threadWritenItem += recordsPerBatch
gEndT = time.time()
gWritenItems += threadWritenItem
print "%s done, %s seconds past, %d reocrds saved" % (self.getName(), gEndT-gStartT, gWritenItems)
def write_hbase(self): #write 50 rowkyes, and 3 column families in each rowkey
print self.getName(), "Start write"
batchmutations = []
for i in xrange(0, recordsPerBatch): # write to db, 300 items together
mutations = []
rowkey = "RK_%s_%s" % (random.random(), time.time())
for ii in xrange(0, columns):
mutations.append(THBaseService.TPut(row=rowkey, columnValues=[TColumnValue(family="f1", qualifier="%s"%ii, value=self.columnvalue)]))
itemsPerThread = int(records / concurrent)
for threadid in xrange(0, concurrent):
gStartT = time.time()
t = writeThread("Thread_%s" % threadid, itemsPerThread)
print "%d thread created, each thread will write %d records" % (concurrent, itemsPerThread)
我只是收到一条消息10 thread created, each thread will write 6000 records